
Installing MinGW64 for Windows64

Instructions to install the MinGW 64 compiler and the MSYS Linux-like shell environment for Windows 64 Bit.


To be able to develop 64 Bit Programs under Windows 64 Bit, you need to install he MSYS shell environment, the MinGW 64 C++ compiler, and a series of libraries. The installation of the MSYS shell environment and the MinGW 64 C++ compiler is the first step in this process.


Download the latest version of the MinGW for 64 bits. To do it, click on the following link. This is the recommended package for Qt compilation. When prompted if to open or to store the file in your computer, select the appropriate option to store file on your computer.

Once the MinGW is in your PC, right-click upon it to extract its content. Move or copy the „MinGW“ folder into the folder „C:\dev64\“.

Now, to download MSYS Environment go to the following link to download the version recommended by Qt. After the download is finished, extract it to „C:\dev64\mingw64“.

By instructing the MSYS and MinGW installer to create the directory „C:\dev64\mingw64“ and to use it as the installation location, we are assuming that you will follow our suggestion of installing all the tools and libraries related to the Tonatiuh development environment under the same root folder, which we are defining as „C:\dev64\“. This has the advantage that once the Tonatiuh development environment is succesfully create in a computer, it can be replicated into other computers just by copying into these computers the root folder of the Tonatiuh development environment with all its subfolders and content.

Once MinGW is installed, the next step is to install the Qt libraries. To do it, follow the instruction in the following wike page:

Qt is cross-platform application framework for Graphics User Interface (GUI) development. This application framework is implemented as a set of related libraries. The Qt libraries are used within Tonatiuh to implement the program's GUI, the plug-in architecture, the parallel processing functionality, and the scripting capabilities, among other things.

Here you will find instructions to install the Qt libraries in your computer and make those libraries available for the development of other programs. Details

To build and install Qt library, first, we must install perl, python. The OpenSSL and ICU libraries must be build before to be able compile Qt sources.

Download the latest libraries sources of the Qt . To do it, click on the following link.

Once the source code package is on your PC, extract the file to „C:\dev64“ directory. Then, rename folder to „qt“, so the code will be in „C:\dev64\qt“.

Qt recommends the Strawberry Perl version for MinGW 64-bit. Download the latest version from the following link and select the 64-bit ZIP version. Copy downloaded file to „C:\dev64“ and extract the files to „C:\dev64\perl“.

Download Python for 64-bit from the following link. Once the download process is finished intall Python into „C:\dev64\python“.

The third language environment needed to build Qt is Ruby. Download the latest version from the following link and select the 64-bit 7-zip version (currently „Ruby 2.2.1 (x64)“). Copy downloaded file to „C:\dev64“ and extract the files to „C:\dev64\ruby“.

Next step for build Qt is build OpenSSL for MinGW 64-bit. Download sources latest stable edition (current version „openssl-1.0.1e.tar.gz“ ) of OpenSSL from the OpenSSL website at link to „C:\dev64\qt\qt5_deps\openssl-1.0.1e.tar.gz.

Once the sources are downloaded go to this folder and extract files. For that, use msys console (run „C:\dev64\mingw64\msys\msys.bat“ ):

tar -xzvf openssl-1.0.1e.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.0.1e

To start compiling and building OpenSSL execute following commands in the shell:

export PATH=/c/dev64/mingw64/bin:$PATH 

CROSS_COMPILE="x86_64-w64-mingw32-" ./configure --prefix=/c/dev64/qt/qt5_deps/openssl-1.0.1e/dist no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5 shared mingw64  

Once configuration process has finished execute the commands below to buid the library and install it:

make depend && make && make install  
cp /c/dev64/qt/qt5_deps/openssl-1.0.1e/dist/bin/*.dll /c/dev64/qt/qtbase/bin

The ICU library is also required to build Qt. Download ICU sources(„icu4c-52_1-src.zip“) from „ICU website“ to „C:\dev64\qt\qt5_deps\“.

In order to build and install the library open MSYS console ( run „C:\dev64\mingw64\msys\msys.bat“) and execute the following commands:

export PATH=/c/dev64/mingw64/bin:$PATH 
cd /c/dev64/qt/qt5_deps  
unzip icu4c-52_1-src.zip

cd icu/Source  
./runConfigureICU MinGW --prefix=/c/dev64/qt/qt5_deps/icu/dist  
.make && make install
cp /c/dev64/qt/qt5_deps/icu/dist/lib/icu*.dll  /c/dev64/qt/qtbase/bin/

Once OpenSLL and ICU libraries have been build successfully. The Qt build process can start.

In order to avoid configuration errors, before start with the configuration a new file named “.gitignore„ must be created in Qt folder, „C:\dev64\qt“ with the following content:


Copy this folder also in „C:\dev64\qt\qtbase“. Now, the configuration process can be started. Open Windows command prompt (Cmd-shell) and type:

cd C:\dev64\qt
set INCLUDE=C:\dev64\qt\qt5_deps\icu\dist\include;C:\dev64\qt\qt5_deps\openssl-1.0.1e\dist\include
set LIB=C:\dev64\qt\qt5_deps\icu\dist\lib;C:\dev64\qt\qt5_deps\openssl-1.0.1e\dist\lib
set QTDIR=
set PATH=%CD%\qtbase\bin;%CD%\gnuwin32\bin;C:\dev64\mingw64\bin;C:\dev64\strawberry\perl\bin;C:\dev64\python;C:\dev64\ruby\bin;C:\dev64\qt\qt5_deps\icu\dist\lib;C:\dev64\qt\qt5_deps\openssl-1.0.1e\dist\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd;%SystemRoot%\System32
configure -debug-and-release -opensource -confirm-license -platform win32-g++ -developer-build -c++11 -icu -opengl desktop -openssl -plugin-sql-odbc -qt-style-windowsxp -qt-style-windowsvista -nomake examples -nomake tests

After qt configuration is finished, to build and install qt libraries typing:

mingw32-make install

The build process may take several hours. Once the Qt libraries and development tools are installed, the next step is to install the Simage library. To do it, follow the instructions in the following wiki page:

  • os_software/os/windows/installing_mingw64_for_windows64.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2018/09/14 23:42
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