Move Windows 7 user profile to different disk
- During Windows 7 install, you will be prompted to enter your user name. At this point, DO NOT ENTER anything yet. Bring up a command prompt (Shift – F10).
- In the command prompt, copy the user directory from your OS HDD (C: I assume) to your storage drive (D: I assume). Then delete the original directory.
- robocopy „C:\Users“ „D:\Users“ /E /COPYALL /XJ
- rmdir „C:\users“ /S /Q
- Then make a symbolic link.
- mklink /J „C:\Users“ „D:\Users“
- Open up the registry editor (type regedit in your command prompt window)
- Change the locations of all the default user profiles from C: to D: located in this profile list key:
- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
- Once this is complete close your command prompt and regedit and continue the install as per normal.