
Check Your openSuse System Temperature

Sometimes, it’s important to check the system temperature in your Operating System.

Install a hddtemp tool; for openSuse go to:


Install a psensor GUI tool, for openSuse go to:


This package include lm-sensors, so you don’t have to install it before installing psensor.

open your console and write the command to detect the sensors in your system


write the command to get some temperature data:


A GUI application pop up. You see the the graph and temperature depend on the sensor have been detected.

Alas, there’s no data for NVidia GPU (licensing problem). There’s no date for HDDs either, but you can just write the command:

hddtemp your/disk/path

For example:

hddtemp /dev/sda

the output depends on system

You can also write the command:


the output depends on system In this way, you can check your system temperature for: CPU (for each core) and HDD.

  • os_software/os/linux/opensuse/check_your_opensuse_system_temperature.txt
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2018/09/14 23:43
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