====== Install Etherpad script ====== [[http://etherpad.org/|Etherpad]]\\ [[https://www.unixblogger.com/collaboration-in-owncloud-nextcloud-with-etherpad-and-ethercalc/Configuration]] zypper addrepo https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:languages:nodejs/openSUSE_Leap_15.0/devel:languages:nodejs.repo zypper -n refresh zypper -n install nodejs-packaging wget -O etherpad.zip https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/archive/1.7.0.zip && unzip etherpad.zip && rm etherpad.zip Configuration As next we have to tell ownCloud / nextCloud how to handle files that are using the filename ending .pad or .calc (the standard filename endings for EtherPad and EtherCalc files). To do so, you have to copy the file mimetypemapping.dist.json from the subdirectory resources/config/, which is located within the ownCloud / nextCloud root directory, to the subdirectory config and rename it afterwards to mimetypemapping.json. Open the so copied file config/mimetypemapping.json with your favorite text editor and add the following two lines to the end of the file: "pad": ["application/x-ownpad"], "calc": ["application/x-ownpad"] So for example the end of the final mimetypemapping.json file could look like this: ... "yaml": ["application/yaml", "text/plain"], "yml": ["application/yaml", "text/plain"], "zip": ["application/zip"], "pad": ["application/x-ownpad"], "calc": ["application/x-ownpad"] }